Mark Levinson

  Mark Levinson环绕立体声音响系统为第三代LEXUS雷克萨斯GS运动型豪华轿车量身定做,它是在2001年推出的Mark Levinson高级音响系统基础上历时3年的研发和工程制造的完美科技结晶。
  作为一款高性能的车载家庭影院,Mark Levinson环绕立体声音响系统拥有14个扬声器,功率高达330瓦,并具有诸多高品质特性,包括:
  ·Mark Levinson Surround(MLS)音频软件优化了5.1声道播放能力,并为立体高保真声音源提供了环绕立体声功能
  ·专用的阴极射线管(metal cone)中音振模和扩音变频器
  ·拥有5.1声道数码杜比音效,以及DVD 视频、DVD 音频与DVD-R 光盘DTS解码功能
  Mark Levinson音响系统总监Phil Muzio先生表示:“我们专为LEXUS雷克萨斯打造的最新一代Mark Levinson环绕立体声音响系统可以显著提升音箱的性能和功能,为品位卓越的LEXUS雷克萨斯车主呈现动感清晰的顶尖音效,完美再现音乐本身的震撼刺激。”
  毋庸置疑,Mark Levinson环绕立体声系统和LEXUS雷克萨斯新款GS运动型豪华轿车实现了完美的结合。
  ·11个声道,330瓦-GS运动型豪华轿车的全新Mark Levinson?处理器/放大器的全部输出功率为330瓦,所有声道驱动为20-20kHz,全部谐波失真不超过0.1%。
  ·Mark Levinson环绕(MLS)立体声软件-在7.1声道音箱系统中为Multiseat?收听设备优化了独立5.1声道的播放性能,使立体声源(如CD和FM)具备了环绕立体声的效果。MLS环绕立体声专为轿车车厢的特点进行了量身设计和优化。
  ·从光盘到Mark Levinson独立拓扑功率放大器都采用了全数码信号路径-细腻的声音信号通常以模拟的格式从汽车前排传到后排,但模拟介质易受车中噪音和磁场的干扰而导致声音质量下降,同时模拟和数码格式间的频繁转换也会影响声音质量。为了避免噪音信号和不必要的、潜在的影响声音质量的转换,ML高级环绕立体声系统通过SPDIF(索尼菲利普数码接口格式),以数码格式传输音频,并且支持24位字长的数码音频。
  ·媒体兼容性-支持CD、CD-R、DTS 5.1 CD、DVD视频、DVD音频和DVD-R光盘。
  ·格式兼容性-2声道立体声(模拟和PCM)、双声道环绕立体声、杜比数码5.1、DTS 5.1(DTS 5.1 CD、DVD视频和DVD音频光盘)。
  ·专用Metal Cone中音和高音扩音变频器-Metal cone结构具有出色的锥形刚性结构和较轻的重量。钕磁铁/马达结构可在小巧而轻型的变频器封装中提供较高的磁通量等级。两种技术的声音优势包括:
  ·功率100瓦特的Cast Basket 25cm/10”重低音扩音器-cast basket重低音扩音器首次为LEXUS雷克萨斯/Mark Levinson设计和应用。这种高刚性低重量结构是超重低音扩音设备所要求的高能量,低频率产品的最佳环境。cast basket对性能的提升表现在以下方面:
  这种全新的超重低音扩音器由Mark Levinson100瓦特低失真功率驱动
  “麦克莱文森”(Mark Levinson,美国)MADRIGAL公司自70年代初,一直坚持使用高价元件及配件求得高性能,在美国已成屈指可数的大规模高级机生产厂家。著名的MarL Levinson这个品牌不论在放大器领域,还是在激光唱机领域,均属实力派高级机而名扬世界。他的大部分产品都为日后升级预作准备,以使不致落伍,其AV产品以Proceed品牌出现,同样具有干净明快的个性,别出心裁的外形自成一格。
  ·GS语音-1000工作小时以上的实验和Mark Levinson高级环绕立体声系统的车载语音,专为GS客舱中乘客的特殊声音特点而打造。
   The History of Mark Levinson
  1972 saw the introduction of Mark Levinson’s JC-1 preamplifier, a concrete, functional symbol of Mark Levinson’s approach to audio reproduction. It evidenced a signature blending of vision and science. It was the beginning of a series of groundbreaking audio components that reinforced America’s reputation in high end audio design.
  Indeed, the JC-1 taught even hardcore audiophiles that tube components had no lock on aural truth. As the JC-1 evolved into the ML-1, it was joined by the ML-2 monophonic power amplifier. Mark Levinson then introduced the ML-3 power amplifier, a massive and ultra-stable dual-mono design that precisely controlled even the most difficult loudspeakers of its day.
  By the mid ‘80s, despite innovations such as a fully modular preamplifier and extraordinary open-reel tape decks suitable for demanding studio recording sessions, Mark Levinson Audio Systems found itself in difficult financial straits. However, the Mark Levinson tradition of hand-crafted excellence was rescued by Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Mark Levinson’s “sister company” distributor. Key personnel regrouped to continue design and production. The reorganization brought needed fiscal discipline and an expanded engineering staff.
  The timing was propitious. The audio industry was moving rapidly towards the digital CD as a prime music source. Although certainly not the first digital-to-analog converter to appear, Mark Levinson’s classic No. 30 reference processor was instantly hailed as the new sonic benchmark, an achievement that signaled digital’s “coming of age.” The following year, the No. 31 reference CD transport completedMark Levinson’s desire to offer the finest digital playback system. It, too, was hailed as a milestone in design, execution, and sound quality.
  With the Mark Levinson name firmly established as a first tier supplier of components for the home enthusiast, Mark Levinson broadened its reach with a relationship with Lexus, Toyota’s luxury car division. Working closely with Lexus engineers, Mark Levinson leveraged its experience and the expertise of other automotive divisions of its parent corporation, Harman International, to provide audio performance that fully complemented the Lexus driving experience.
  Today, more than three decades after the company’s inception, Mark Levinson continues to expand the horizons of audiophiles at home and on the road as well as those of home theater enthusiasts with components and systems that define accuracy, reliability, and enjoyment.
  Mark Levinson. Since 1972. The same name. The same enduring standards. The same extraordinary level of satisfaction.

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